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Pomoce dla nauczycieli w formie gotowych szablonów do wydruku na sprawdzian

Przygotowanie sprawdzianów z matematyki spędza sen z powiek wielu nauczycielom. Wyszukanie licznych materiałów w celu wybrania zadań o różnym stopniu trudności nie jest łatwym zadaniem, zwłaszcza gdy jest pozostawiane na ostatnią chwilę. Jak ułatwić sobie pracę i skutecznie wykonać ten mało przyjemny obowiązek?

Pomoce dla nauczycieli w formie gotowych szablonów

Czy istnieje możliwość szybkiego i solidnego przygotowania sprawdzianów z matematyki? Tak! Wystarczy tylko korzystać z gotowych szablonów klasówek, dostępnych na stronie aztekium.pl. W tym miejscu znajdują się opracowane arkusze sprawdzianów o zróżnicowanym stopniu trudności, dostosowanym do poziomu danej klasy i omawianego programu nauczania. Strona http://aztekium.pl/pomoce oferuje właśnie tego typu narzędzia. 

Łatwość poruszania się po stronie (strzałkami lewo/prawo) lub użycie wyszukiwarki pozwala nam szybko zlokalizować potrzebny szablon. Wszystkie szablony dostępne zarówno w formie plików graficznych, jak i gotowych do wydruku plików PDF. 
Uwzględnione zostały również wersje z podziałem na grupy A i B. A także z oszczędnością papieru. Czyli kartka A4 do przecięcia na pół.

Jakie korzyści dają nauczycielom szablony sprawdzianów?

Nauczyciel matematyki przygotowujący sprawdzian dla uczniów klasy podstawowej może wybrać zadania uporządkowane w następujące działy:

Dzięki gotowym szablonom sprawdzianów, nauczyciel:

Swoistym podsumowaniem danego działu i sprawdzeniem umiejętności matematycznych uczniów jest sprawdzian. Naprzeciw potrzebom nauczycieli matematyki wychodzi serwis aztekium.pl, który dostarcza gotowe szablony sprawdzianów do wydruku. Przygotowanie testów będzie proste jak nigdy!

Source: Pomoce dla nauczycieli w formie gotowych szablonów do wydruku na sprawdzian


Handwriting It says what?

My oldest daughter has the worst handwriting. She is old enough to know better, but seldom takes the time to slow down and write legibly. How often do you write in a day? Probably more than you think. And when your child has poor handwriting in school, their grades can suffer merely by the fact that their teacher can't read what they've written. How can you help?

Cursive writing used to be a bigger deal than it is now. I remember being told in junior high that I would have to write in cursive once I reached high school. In high school, they told me I would have to write cursive in college. None of these held true. It doesn't matter whether your child writes in print or cursive, as long as you can read what it says.
If your child isn't writing well, find out why. Are they just too lazy to take the time, or are they having difficultly with the letters? Once you know the why, you can begin to fix the problem.
Have your child practice writing for 15 minutes a day. This can be done during regular homework time. Start with letters that are more difficult and work your way through the alphabet. Make sure they know how to hold their pen or pencil correctly. This will help their hand relax and not tire as quickly. Pens or pencils should be held with the thumb and forefinger pinching the pen, and the middle finger can go underneath as a rest.
Make sure your child is writing each word correctly. You can find notebooks with the alphabet written inside the cover, and these can be a guide. Most will show the correct way to write each letter. Give your child the tools they need to be successful in school.


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The Disadvantages of a Career in Financing

When we were young, we already had an idea of what we want to be when we go grow up. Sometimes, these changes as the years go by. While there are advantages in whatever profession we choose, we should also look at the disadvantages if this for instance will be a career in financing.

What is wrong with financing? If you think about it, nothing given that it is an honest job with a considerable rewards. But not everyone will be able to stay here for the long term which is why you have to weigh the pros and cons.

First, can you see yourself doing mathematical computations and giving advice to someone who is probably earning more than you? The truth is, some people can while others can't.

The best test of all will be how well you excel in subjects like calculus and economics in school. You have to be able to understand these concepts and then use these tools to your advantage. Then again, there are people who may be good in one subject or both while there are those who will probably excel in other subjects.

Learning concepts is one thing but doing this job every single day is another. A good idea will be to talk to professionals who are already in the financial industry and see how it is working there. Make up a list of questions and ask for clarifications if there is something that you do not understand.

It will also be a good idea to read up on the finance industry so you know what you are getting yourself into 4 years from now once you graduate from college.

If you still choose to have a career in financing, here are some of the disadvantages you will hear or experience. You shouldn't be discouraged about them but keep them in mind as you are starting your career in finance.

Professionals who have obtained their CPA's and start work as accountants do not earn that much compared to those who are involved in investment banking and consulting. Also, they handle multiple projects at certain times especially during the end of the financial year or when it is time to file income tax that means overtime just to get the job done.

There is also the pressure given that you are in a fast paced game and you are dealing with other people's money. If you screw up, this could mean financial ruin for them and you will be hired on the spot. But those who succeed can get a promotion, earn much more than they did before and even get to work abroad.

If you think about it, there are advantages and disadvantages in just about any job or career that you decide to pursue. How you are able to deal with it is the challenge that you will have to face on your own. Those who can stand the pressure will probably stay for the long term while those who don't will quit and shift into another career.

Doing some research and getting your feet wet will probably give you an idea of how things are like working in the finance industry. This is what on the job training or internships are for so you know what its like in the real world.

With this information, you can then see if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for you to purse a career in financing.

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